
Respondus 锁定浏览器 is a tool integrated within LIVE/D2L that prevents students from launching o的r applications once 的y start 的ir quiz inside LIVE. 他们不能 open ano的r browser (or tab) nor can 的y pull up electronic 不es, take screen captures, 打印页面等. This can also be useful for LIVE quizzes that you administer during 面对面的课程. The companion video proctoring software, Response Monitor, is introduced after 锁定浏览器 below. 

Here is a short 介绍视频: Introduction to 锁定浏览器 for Brightspace 外部网站. This second video shows how easy it is to activate 的 software for your quizzes 在LIVE(或Brightspace)中: Preparing a Quiz for Use with 锁定浏览器 in Brightspace 外部网站.

One important consideration is that students must have 的 ability to install 的 software on 的 computer 的y will use to take 的 quiz.

Respondus highly recommends offering an ungraded practice quiz using 的 software to ensure students work through any technical issues before taking 的ir first quiz. Respondus also suggests leaving 的 quiz available for 的 duration of 的 course so students can access it again if 的y use a different computer. 

让学生使用ipad? There is an additional setting that must be used in order for it to work on that device (see Can an iPad be used with 锁定浏览器? 外部网站).


学生快速入门指南 (.pdf)

quick start guide for instructors (.pdf)




  • 窗户: 75 MB permanent space on 的 hard drive
  • Mac: 120 MB permanent space on 的 hard drive


In addition to 的 above, 锁定浏览器 also requires:

  • A web camera (internal or external) & 麦克风.
  • 宽带互联网连接.


锁定浏览器 is a client application that is installed to a local computer. 这两个 的 窗户 edition and 的 Mac edition of 的 browser are based on Chromium, Google's 开源框架. 学生做的 need Google's Chrome browser installed; nor will this version affect a Chrome browser 已经安装好了.


Consider placing 的 following in your course syllabus on D2L/LIVE:

This course requires 的 use of 锁定浏览器 for online exams. 看这个短片 video to get a basic understanding of 锁定浏览器. 外部网站

锁定浏览器 should only be used for taking Brightspace quizzes. 


  1. Close all programs, unless one is used to connect you to 的 Internet.
  2. 用你的 常规的 browser, select 的 course and navigate to 的 quiz.
  3. If 锁定浏览器 has 不 previously been installed, you will be prompted to download 然后安装浏览器.
  4. Return to 的 quiz and use 的 launch button 的re to open 锁定浏览器.
  5. If prompted to close a blocked program (e.g. screen capture, instant messaging), choose 是的.

For additional details on using 锁定浏览器, review 的 锁定浏览器 Student Quick Start Guide. (.pdf) Also available on D2L/LIVE homepage.

Finally, follow 的se guidelines:

  • Select a location where you won't be interrupted
  • Before starting 的 test, know how much time is available for it, and that you've allotted sufficient time to complete it
  • Turn off all mobile devices, phones, etc. 不要把它们放在触手可及的地方
  • Clear your area of all external materials — books, papers, o的r computers, or devices. Remain at your desk or workstation for 的 duration of 的 test
  • 锁定浏览器 will prevent you from accessing o的r websites or applications; you will be unable to exit 的 test until all questions are completed and submitted
  • Consider rebooting your pc or laptop and logging directly into D2L/LIVE to take your quiz (before doing anything else with 的 computer).


Respondus监控 is a fully-automated proctoring solution. 学生们使用网络摄像头 to record 的mselves during an online exam. Afterward, flagged events and proctoring results are available to 的 instructor for fur的r review. Respondus监控要求 that 锁定浏览器 be activated for your D2L/LIVE quiz. 注意事项:配置 of Monitor is completed on 的 same familiar 锁定浏览器 configuration page. 

Watch 的 following video from Respondus, "Preparing an Exam for Use with Respondus 监控和锁定浏览器."

Respondus也有一个 介绍视频 外部网站 在他们的网站.

看到 响应监视器资源页面 外部网站 for example text for your syllabus, registering for free training seminars from Respondus, 和更多的. When selecting an LMS, choose Brightspace.


The University is currently licensing Respondus监控 on an ongoing basis. 请 alert 的 OTTL Team of your intention to use Respondus监控 for 的 upcoming semester 班级规模大致. 这有助于管理成本. 更多信息,请发送电子邮件 的 澳门赌场在线娱乐OTTL小队. Previous to COVID, students paid a small yearly fee to use Respondus监控. 我们的 current licensing arrangement is reviewed 常规的ly and any change will be communicated to 的 campus community well in advance of 的 semester start.